Saturday, 7 June 2014

29 New Coffee Places Before I Turn 30

The topic about my age once again popped up this past week in conversation with friends. Being quite boisterous and lively, I find many people believe I'm still quite young and untainted by the world, and it seems that more often people are a little surprised to find I'm 28 (still). Or, they think I'm really, really immature (and youthful looking). 

Let not my 16 year old hormonal skin fool you.

Being just over a year away from being 30 is no big deal to me. I say "bring it on" to each number that gets clocked onto my age. I really enjoy celebrating my birthday, because it gives me a chance to see some people who I often haven't seen in months. I don't love the spotlight of a birthday party - seriously, when people sing at you, where do you look? - but I absolutely enjoy spending time with friends and reflecting on memories of things we've done together in life. Every year brings a new adventure, and every adventure brings the chance to understand who I am and my place in this world.

Upon hearing of my 'coming of age(d)', there was a suggestion to do a Buckets List which gives me a chance to be inspired about what things I want to achieve on a student budget to help give attention to those hours where I need to study. However, a second suggestion of a count down of coffee places pricked my ears up quick. As a partaker of a coffee flavoured beverage at least twice a day, and a enjoyer of cafe's both near and far from my home, the idea to purposefully discover new cafes AND do a count down sounds too exciting to pass up. Plus, being a student, its quite easy to afford a coffee out every now and then.

So, feel free to join along as I detail the places that I visit, depicting greatness and notability, and the occasional bumsteer to avoid at all measures.

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